Everland exists to help people prosper from conserving their forests and wildlife, resulting in climate change mitigation for the benefit of all. We mobilize transformative investments, through the sale of Verified Emissions Reductions (VERs) often referred to as carbon offset credits, into forest communities who are on the frontlines stopping deforestation, halting climate change, and safeguarding biodiversity, in order to deliver conservation outcomes at scale.

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REDD+ Glossary

Want an A-Z of REDD+ terminology? Look no further than our helpful download of REDD+ key terms which also covers many terms you’ll come across in the voluntary carbon market.


The Forest Plan

The Forest Plan is Everland’s response to the urgent call, presented at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, to end deforestation by 2030. Through The Forest Plan, we present a clear, evidence-based route to scaling up REDD+ as a critical path to conserve forests and support forest communities.

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We Work

Everland currently represents REDD+ projects in Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cambodia, and Colombia, with new projects to be announced soon. As part of The Forest Plan, we are rapidly scaling our portfolio of voluntary community-based REDD+ programs, led on the ground by the world’s best REDD+ project developers in partnership with local communities, Indigenous peoples, and governments.

We Work


We Do

Everland uses voluntary carbon markets and REDD+ to channel finance via the sale of carbon offset credits (which represent Verified Emissions Reductions) from corporations to conservation partnerships involving project developers, Indigenous and local communities, and governments working together to halt deforestation in highly threatened forest landscapes with critical biodiversity and carbon stocks. We work with a team of experienced partners, in the field and in the market, who share a common goal to deliver these projects and scale up forest protection across the globe.

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We Do